Prince Daymon is an Evoker—possessor of rare and feared magical powers.
When he is captured by bandits who plan to use his gifts for their own benefit he must depend upon his lover to come to his rescue.
Rhyder is captain of Daymon’s personal guard and the legendary ‘Lion of the West’, but can he reach the man he loves before it’s too late?

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Book Trailer
He will come for you. Daymon’s good fingers stole up to his left ear, feeling the shape of the small jewel still threaded through the lobe and then the right, empty one. Rhyder was as strong and as fierce as all the stories said and as stubborn a man as Daymon had ever known. Once Rhyder had decided on something, there was no stopping him—and Rhyder had decided on Daymon. It didn’t matter if his father did nothing, too paralyzed by paranoia or drink to break his self-imposed confinement. It didn’t matter if Daylor, torn between genuine love for his brother and his strong sense of filial duty towards their father, was likewise unable or forbidden to act. Rhyder would come—if Daymon believed in nothing else, he would believe in this. It was the only thing left for him to believe. Where Daymon fell short of anything resembling strong or heroic, Rhyder was everything a hero should have been, and more. Where Daymon’s courage failed him, Rhyder’s would never waver.
“I’m sorry. Rhyder, I’m sorry….” The apology was as much for himself as it was for Rhyder, for his isolation, combined with the surrounding darkness, conjured to mind half-remembered fears from long ago. Yet perhaps, even now, his valiant captain was making his way here. Perhaps he was already nearby, and merely waiting for the right moment to strike. Perhaps—
The door to Daymon’s cell burst open with a high-pitched squeal, and Daymon held himself still, determined at least not to flinch away. He owed Rhyder that much. I’m not afraid, he told himself silently. I’m not afraid at all. You can hurt me all you want, but Rhyder is coming, and I won’t be afraid.
He only wished the last part were true.
About the Author
DIANA WATERS is a New Zealander currently living in rural Japan. She has no idea where in the world she’ll be this time next year and is pretty okay with that. Other than reading and writing, her main passions include travel, Japanese pop culture, and competitive swimming.
DIANA WATERS can be found at:
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