Book Blog Tour: M/M ~ Jinxed by Sandrine Gasq Dion ~ (Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)

TITLE: Jinxed
SERIES: The Rock Series #2
AUTHOR: Sandrine Gasq Dion
PUBLISHER: Skull Blaster Publishing
COVER ARTIST: Kellie Dennis
LENGTH: 52,000 words
RELEASE DATE: October 30, 2015
BLURB: Jinx Jett is a rock superstar. As such, the hunky Skull Blasters drummer thoroughly enjoys the many perks of willing groupies, earning him a reputation as the band slut. Making it big and scoring hot women is something Jinx never expected. There's a little voice in the back of his mind constantly reminding him of how he used to be -- shy, overweight and acne prone. One night in a gay bar turns life upside down when Jinx runs into Jayden Dempsey, a kid he's been fantasizing about since giving him his autograph at a mall. Long-held insecurities keep Jinx from fully committing to anyone, and he may lose Jayden if he can't put his past behind him.
Jayden Dempsey always wanted out of his life in small-town Alabama. When his parents kicked him out after he told them he was gay, Jayden decided the time was right to move on. He crosses the country to try out for 'Singers!', a show that propels unknowns to stardom. In a twist, producers choose him and three others as winners and form a boy band called London Boys.This season, the show brings Jayden and the guys back for the finale. Surprise! The contest's heavy metal finalist will be singing with Skull Blasters.
Jinx and Jayden's initial meeting doesn't go so well, and Jayden's stunned when the guy he's crushed on for years turns out to be a total jerk. It doesn't stop him from falling into Jinx's arms every time they're alone, but Jayden didn't sign on for one nighters. He wants Jinx Jett, baggage and all.
Can a former teen outcast put rejection behind him and embrace the acceptance standing right in front of him? How much will one boy bander put up with from his rock idol before enough is enough? Can they make it work? Or are they jinxed in love?

“Can I get some clothes?”
“I like you in a robe.” Jinx waggled his brows.
I started for the door and Jinx jumped up and grabbed my hand. He pushed me into the wall and gently pinned my hands above my head.
“Jinx …”
I gasped as his thigh insinuated itself between my legs, rubbing my balls.
“Yeah?” his breath caressed my lips.
“I … fuck … stop doing that,” I panted.
“This?” Jinx raised his knee higher and rubbed my dick.
My God, my mouth actually started watering as Jinx leaned in closer to me, letting his tongue trail my bottom lip. I wanted to taste him so fucking bad my whole body hurt. I wanted him. I couldn’t deny it.
“Fuck, you are sexy as sin,” Jinx rumbled against my lips. “Love your lips, your eyes, even your fucking hair turns me on.”
I clenched my eyes shut and tried to stay in control.
“Yeah? Even if I’m a talentless pretty boy?”
Jinx stiffened. He pulled back slowly and searched my eyes.
“I’m sorry I said that.”
“Yeah? Why did you say it? What’s your problem with me being in a boy band?”
Jinx sighed and let my hands go. He rubbed his hands down his face and exhaled slowly. I continued to speak because by that time, my word vomit had begun.
“I don’t even like boy bands, but you know what? This is where I am and fuck it! I’m successful. Do you know I auditioned with one of your band’s songs?” Jinx’s gasp was very audible in the room. His eyes widened. “Yep, that’s right. I sang Manwhore; the song fits you.”
“I deserve that.”
“Are you going to tell me what your problem is?” I placed my hands on my hips, glaring at him.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by author/publisher via Creative Minds in exchange for an honest review.*
So, we'll start with the bad, then move on to the good. It's not really bad, per se. It's just something that really irritates me. This is hard for me, because I HATE feeling like I'm going to hurt someone's feelings, but that's what I signed up for. I've read both books in this series now, and these are the only books by this author I've read. I love her stories, but I don't care for her writing style, or rather her use of punctuation and sometimes wording. I hope this will make sense. I don't care for the fact that her characters feel so animated. This makes it hard to take them seriously. A lot of this has to do with her punctuation. She uses loads of exclamation points, and most times they are in places where I just feel they aren't needed. This takes away from the story for me. I picture the characters talking calmly to one another, then all of a sudden an exclamation point comes at the end of the sentence, and I can't get past that. It totally changes the tone of the conversation from the way I imagined it. I find this very distracting, especially during a sex scene.
Now onto the good. I loved the story itself. The plot is good and I enjoyed getting to revisit the members of Skull Blasters and of course, I loved the brief cameo by Ann Lister's Rock Gods. The characters were likable. The chemistry between Jinx and Jayden was hot. The sex was steamy, although I could have done without the multiple exclamation points and I found some of the wording during the sex scenes bordered on the line of cheesy. There were quite a few eye rolls. I want to be turned on by a sex scene, not roll my eyes.
There was a conflict in the book that was resolved, but I didn't feel the author explained the reason why it occurred in the first place. It just left the conflict feeling unresolved. I am truly on the fence about Harley's book. I loved and connected him, but as I've stated above, I just don't care for her writing style. I think Harley's story will be really deep and emotional, and this author's punctuation and wording just isn't conducive to deep and emotional in my opinion.
Rating: 4 Stars!

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Winner’s Prize: Swag pack of a key-chain, bracelet and hoodie with t-shirt!

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I Lovd this book!! The series is great!! Rockers are bot. She does a great job and really loved the guys and can't wait or book 3