Book Tour: M/M/M ~ Fame and Fortune by TM Smith ~ (ARC Review, Character Inteview + Giveaway)
Fame and Fortune
An All Cocks
Story book #2
Love should be multiplied, not divided!
Love should be multiplied, not divided!
Victor Dimir
moved to America with his traditional Romanian parents when he was just a
child. His Romani parents taught him their traditions and how to be a shrewd
business man, but it was the attention of a classmate at school that taught
teenage Victor about his sexuality. When he came out to his parents he knew it
would be difficult for them to understand, but he never expected them to disown
Andrew Jones
grew up with a single mom and his grandmother teaching him about life, he had
an absentee father at best. The only thing the man ever did for Andy that stuck
was buy him a camera for his thirteenth birthday. When Andrew went off to
college on a scholarship to study photo journalism, he wound up falling in love
with his Romanian roommate.
They became
inseparable and wound up starting their own business together: a gay porn
website where people could go and watch romantic gay porn instead of the rough
and tough, or wham bam thank you man crap that was flooding the internet at
that time. After ten years together they were still perfectly happy, not
realizing something was missing, until they met a broken young man that needed
a family.
Matthew Carlson
was homeless, jobless and broken. At sixteen he ran away from home after being
brutally assaulted by several young men that he thought were his friends, and
then being told he brought it on himself for being gay by his parents. Matthew
has done a lot of things these last few years just to get by. When he finds the
flyer for All Cocks, he decides to call and see where it leads. What has he got
to lose?
Matthew has deep
rooted scars that aren’t visible on the outside to most. But when he walks into
All Cocks, both Victor and Andrew can see the darkness in his eyes; they also
see him. Can three men that did not know they needed each other get past the
stigma of society to find a place of happiness, together?
*Advisory warning: This story contains a scene of
sexual assault.*
Character Interview:
Today I'm happy to welcome Andrew, Victor and Mattie, from Fame and Fortune (book two in the All Cocks series) by TM Smith, to Bayou Book Junkie!
Gentlemen, thanks so much for agreeing to this interview. It's a pleasure to have y'all here! Tell us a little about yourselves!
Andrew: Thanks for having us, it’s our pleasure. I’m Andrew the middle man so to speak. I do all the photography, filming and editing for the site. The grumpy bastard to my left is Victor, *Victor grunts* he’s the muscle and the brains while Mattie here is the beauty to his beast.
Mattie: I take care of wardrobe and set design for our shoots. *leans across Andrew to kiss Victor on the cheek and Victor grins*
What has been the hardest part of melding the three of you together as a family?
Mattie: I think the only rough patch we’ve really had to overcome was how to approach the physical aspect of our relationship. I won’t go into it here, but I’ve had a troubled past, and because of those issues my two guys here were very cautious and slow moving when we first decided to take our relationship to the next level. For the most part, after several years together, we are a fine oiled machine.
This relationship can't be easy for outsiders to accept. How do you handle the ridicule you receive from people?
Victor: They can be fucking themselves!
Mattie: Victor! Be nice!
Andrew: I think what my stunning partner here is trying to say is, we try not to even entertain negativity from others when it comes to what we do in our private lives. There was a time when the site email was flooded with hateful, even threatening emails from everything to, “What, one guy isn’t enough for you?” to “Cradle robbing bastards.” and my personal favorite, “Do you need a fourth.” *Victor chuckles* But thankfully, no one has done or tried anything drastic. We can handle verbal assaults all day long, and we have at a few events. As long as people don’t try to physically hurt any one of us, we can ride the waves.
What's the best thing about having two partners?
Mattie: I get twice as much of everything. Twice as many hugs and kisses and blow...
Andrew: *covers Mattie’s mouth* Yes, twice as much of everything will suffice there sweetie. For me it’s all about the balance the three of us bring. Sure we have issues outside the norm of a relationship with only two partners, but then we have more support when issues do arise.
Victor: It is little of both for me. I am loving these men and each are bringing something different with them, but it is different approach that is making us stronger.
What's the kinkiest thing the three of y'all have ever done?
Victor: In what country?
Andrew: *smacks Victor on the arm*
Mattie: *laughs so hard he’s snorting and turning red*
Andrew: Jesus, you’re acting like five year olds! Sorry about that, the kinkiest? Shall we tell her the story about the double headed dildo…
Mattie: *covers Andrew’s mouth* No, No!
Victor: *throws his head back and barks out a laugh* Oh yes, Mattie, you walk crooked for three days after.
Mattie: *turns a lovely shade of red from head to toe*
Your favorite song?
Victor: That song about Lazy Eyes.
Andrew: SilverSun Pickups, Lazy Eye is the song babe, we danced to it at our wedding. I’d say anything by Journey, but only with Steve Perry, not that wanna be replacement singer.
Mattie: I think for me it would be Only Time by Enya, our first dance when we got married. I still listen to it when I want to remember that day, it was so beautiful and perfect.
Favorite foods?
Andrew: *points at Victor* Victor’s favorite is Brazilian food, we get takeout a couple times a month when we’re in the city. Mattie and I love Chinese food though.
Which do y'all prefer, a night on the town, or a night spent snuggling in front of the T.V.?
All three men in unison: Bed, TV and Chinese food!
Tracy's Review:
4 Stars
love. They have been together, in a loving and committed relationship for 10 years. They own and run a very successful Online Porn site, "All Cocks". They have opened themselves and their home to some of the more troubled models they hire. The have become the extended family to some of the less fortunate in life. Matthew/Mattie comes to them from off the streets. He is homeless and has been on the streets for a while. A tragedy in Mattie's past has left him somewhat broken, although he has buried it and tries to hide it. There is an instant caring for him. Andrew and Victor take him under their wing and help him to get his GED, and continue his education. Mattie wants to earn his keep, but Andrew and Victor stall. They are reluctant to let him film a scene.
I haven't read many Poly based books. They just aren't my thing. I think the sex can be hot, but I just rather a couple in a relationship. More than 2 just isn't my preference. That being said, it will have no effect on my rating of the story.
This was a powerful and emotional story. It deals with a dark subject. I thought the author handled the topic well. These three men are all very endearing in different ways. Their different personalities and demeanors compliment and complete one another nicely. The three meld well together to form a working threesome.
The story was well written and flowed nicely. I loved that the author went so far into the past to start this story and work her way to the present. The characters had good chemistry. The story is told from the three MC's alternating POV's, and the author did an amazing job at keeping me straight as to who was speaking. I never felt confused or lost. The sex was steamy, but definitely not overpowering.
This story was a pleasure to read, and I'm looking forward to more in the series!
This is a series, but it can be read as a standalone.
Buy Links Fame and Fortune: Amazon | ARe | Smashwords
Buy Links Gay for Pay: Amazon | ARe | Smashwords
All Cocks Buy Links:
Amazon – Fame and Fortune ~ Amazon UK – Fame and Fortune ~ Amazon AU – Fame and Fortune ~ARe – Fame and Fortune ~ SmashWords – Fame and Fortune
Amazon – Gay for Pay ~ Amazon UK – Gay for Pay ~ Amazon AU – Gay for Pay ~ ARe – Gay for Pay ~ SmashWords - Gay For Pay

At 44 years young, she's decided to enter the
next phase of her life by adding the title of "author" to her list of
accomplishments. Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and
decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, Smith
is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights.
Her series Opposites goes beyond the norm of society, exploring what society would be like were it the norm to be gay/lesbian. To be straight labels you the outkast. Her latest series, the All Cocks Stories, is set within the world of online gay porn.
Amazon || ARe || Smashwords || Website
Thank you for hosting me, love the Interview and the Review!!