Thursday, January 7, 2016

Release Day Blast ~ Nuts About You by Kate Lowell ~ (Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)

Release Day Blast ~ Nuts About You by Kate Lowell ~ (Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)
Author Name: Kate Lowell
Book Name: Nuts About You
Series: Nutty Romances
Book: One
Book can be read as a standalone
Release Date: January 7, 2016


Nathan’s been crushing on one of his regular Bulk Mart customers for a while now. In his squirrel form, he sits on Vince’s bird feeders, munching on seeds and enjoying the eye candy. Until the day Vince catches him raiding the feeder…

Pages or Words: 11,500 words

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Paranormal (Shifters: Squirrel), Romance, Urban Fantasy


The best part was coming next. Nathan took an absentminded bite of the sunflower seed in his paw and hung a little further out from the feeder to get a better view. Because now, the body wash was coming out. Vince’s hand stretched past Nathan’s field of vision, returning with what looked like the Natural Sea Sponge Vince had bought at Bulk Mart a month ago. He flicked open the cap on the almond-scented body wash and spread it on the sponge. Though Nathan couldn’t smell it through the window, he knew that scent. It drove him wild—he stopped to sniff it every time he walked down the aisle, and he even had a bottle on his bedside table. Not to use, just to smell every night as he lay in bed, wishing it was Vince’s hand on him instead of his own.

There it went, the sponge traveling over all the places where Nathan would like to run his tongue. Vince started on his neck, smooth up and down movements covering his skin with a rich lather. The bubbles slid down his body, clinging in a way that made Nathan irrationally jealous of them. The sponge followed the bubbles down, making circles over the sleek chest, then crisscrossing back and forth over the flat stomach and past his bellybutton, with its narrow trail of hair leading down to—OH MY WALNUTS!

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie in exchange for a fair and honest review. ***

Nathan has been admiring Vince, one of his regular Bulk Mart's customers, from afar for a long time. In his squirrel form, he visits Vince's house daily, munching on seeds from his strategically placed bird feeders where he can enjoy the view. While Nathan wishes there would be more between them than just the small interactions at the store, he's too shy to do more about it, until the day when Vince catches him raiding the bird feeder. 

This was such a delightful read! A short, fun and hot start for this series. I wish it'd been longer, but it was a lovely book, it's well written and it flows nicely and I really liked both Vince and Nathan. They were sweet together and I'm intrigued over what's going to happen in book 2 after reading the first chapter. All in all, a solid start to the series!

Rating: 4 Stars!!! 

Buy the book:

ARe ~ Amazon ~ itunes

Meet the author:

Kate Lowell lives on the east coast of Canada, in an old farm house that has way more personality than it has any right to. During the winter, she spends her time dreading snow, cursing at snow, shoveling snow, and scheming ways to shove it down the kids' necks. During the summer, she prays not to have snow. :)

Kate likes to play in ALL the sandboxes. While her main genres are paranormal and contemporary suspense, she is also interested in science fiction, fantasy and--weirdly--romantic comedy. She's willing to pay large amounts of money to anyone who can come up with plot-bunny repellent, which she will first use on herself, then sell to LA Witt for an exorbitant price to recoup her costs.

You can contact her at katelowellbooks (at) . If you think you’d like to try writing gay romance, come visit her critique group (Link can be found at New members are always welcome.

Where to find the author:
Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Kate Lowell
Cover Artist: Ana J. Phoenix